Author: Corinna Bullo, MSc in International Food&Beverage Management student
I’d been hearing about Uaglio’ since my very first lesson at ESCP Business School. It is not in fact uncommon to see students of this business school churning out creative ideas and putting them into practice.
Carla Ferrari, Alumnus of the MSc in International Food & Beverage Management, is a case in point. A radiant personality combined with a highly qualified background that allowed her to hit the ground running and overcome the unexpected with dexterity, even a pandemic.
She and Gennaro Generoso, her faithful travelling companion as well as MBA student at ESCP, met me a few weeks later to have a little talk and taste one of their specialties.
I couldn’t wait to find out how a girl sharing my passion for the food industry had gotten to be such a talented and promising manager.
As soon as I set foot in the Uaglio’ pizzeria I felt I had stepped into the spirit of Naples but with something new. I immediately realized that I was not in the usual Neapolitan pizzeria in Turin, permeated by tradition and strengthened by custom. I found myself in a totally different dimension, much more creative and easygoing. Carla chooses the term “democratic” to describe the place she set up, referring to her desire to describe the high quality of the products, combined with the affordable price that makes them accessible to young clients.
When I asked what made them different from other Neapolitan pizzerias, Gennaro answered jokingly: “There is no one here from Naples”. Paradoxically, the lack of a pizza-making tradition in Carla and Gennaro’s families has been strategically translated into a refreshing release from preconceptions: they experiment, modify and refine combinations according to their personal taste, but still allow their expertise in the field to shine through, along with their desire to please the customer by offering a selection of ingredients of the highest quality. Although most of the raw materials come from small producers in Campania and Tuscany, they try to rely on local farms as well. Furthermore, they make a point of choosing products that are in season, which was something I noticed while enjoying two of the three seasonal pizzas on the menu: Margherita Special and Bra’v&Spicy (the latter is not for everyone, believe me!).

Uaglio’ was born in San Salvario and embodies the concept of street food, emblematically represented by the pizza a portafoglio (folded into four). Now, after less than a year, it has become much more than a take-away, and the potential of the in-house experience is quite evident. And just as expectations are growing, upcoming projects are starting to break through…